Crosslink Area Structure Plan Bylaw

Policies Number:
Date of Adoption:

To adopt the attached CROSSLINK AREA STRUCTURE PLAN for all those lands contained within COT - 102381835; Pt SW-15-72-5-W6M, COT - 062056816001; Pt SW-15-72-5-W6M, Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0620547; Pt SW-15-72-05-W6M, Pt SE-16-72-5-W6M, Block 1A, Plan 9721900; Pt SE-16-72-05-W6M, Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 0820342; Pt SE-16-72-05-W6M, and COT - 122310888; Pt SE-16-72-05-W6M.