The Land Use Bylaw categorizes each parcel of land into a zoning district, which directs the types of development and the uses for the parcels of land. Rezoning is the process of changing the category of zoning for your parcel of land.
There are two situations in which you may want to rezone:
- You wish to develop or use your land in a way that is not allowable under your current zone
- You wish to subdivide your land into parcels used for a different purpose
A rezoning application may accompany a subdivision or a Development Permit application.
Rezoning Application Requirements |
You will need the following to apply to rezone your property:
Additional information may be required by the Development Authority or referral agencies upon review of the application. Council may require an Area Structure Plan or Outline Plan be prepared or amended prior to considering a proposed amendment to the Land Use Bylaw. |
Rezoning Process |
The Land Use Bylaw is a municipal bylaw, therefore County Council has the final authority to approve or deny an application for its amendment. Prior to making this decision, all affected or potentially affected parties are to be notified and provided an opportunity to express their concerns and/or comments. This is done via circulation of the proposed amendment to various referral agencies, adjacent landowners, and encumbrances on title. The application is also scheduled for a Public Hearing heard by County Council. The hearing date and time are circulated to the applicant and/or his/her agent and adjacent landowners, as well as advertised in a local newspaper. All affected parties are given the opportunity to speak at the hearing and/or written comments received by the Planning Department will be provided to Council for their review. The application will need to receive three readings by Council to be approved. The Public Hearing is typically held following the first reading. |
When does the decision take effect? |
An approval takes effect immediately upon receiving third reading from Council. |
If Council refuses my application, can I appeal? |
The Land Use Bylaw is a municipal bylaw, therefore County Council has the final authority to approve or deny an application. There is no appeal process for rezoning applications. |
How long does the rezoning process take? |
The County cannot guarantee a specific timeline for a Land Use Bylaw amendment as each application is unique, but requires a minimum of 30 days to allow for circulation and advertising of the public hearing. Some factors that may impact the time to render a decision include, but are not limited to: