Scheduled Public Hearings
Public hearings are an opportunity for Council to hear from anyone affected by proposed bylaws or resolutions, including proposed amendments to the Land Use Bylaw or new or amended Area Structure Plans, prior to making a decision on the matter.
Public hearings are scheduled during regular Council meetings beginning at 1:00 pm in the order they appear on the agenda. The length of individual hearings can vary, therefore exact start times for specific applications cannot be provided.
You can speak at the hearing or provide written comments in advance. Written submissions must be received by 4:30pm the Thursday before the scheduled hearing date. Note any information you provide may be made public subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you wish to speak at a hearing, you will be invited to do so by the Chair as per the Procedural Bylaw. Visit the Council Calendar and select the Council Meeting or call 780-532-9722 for information on how to participate.
Written submissions should be sent to Planning and Development Services, County of Grande Prairie No. 1 at 10001 – 84 Avenue, Clairmont, AB T8X 5B2 or email.
Upcoming Public Hearings
September 23, 2024
Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Bylaw #2680
1. The purpose of this amendment is to designate a portion of SE-20-74-5-W6 located approximately 0.5 miles North of HWY 2 on RGE RD 54 from Agriculture (AG) to Country Residential (CR-5) to accommodate a subdivision application of one (1) residential lot. File # PLLUB20240194
August 22, 2022
Land Use Bylaw Amendments - Bylaw #2680
1. The purpose of the amendment is to designate Pt. NE-20-74-5-W6 located on the southwest corner of the intersection of TWP RD 744 and RGE RD 54 approximately one mile west of HWY 2 along TWP RD 744 from Agricultural (AG) to Country Residential (CR-4) district to allow for the subdivision of six country residential lots. File PLLUB20200254.
Note: This hearing was held on August 22, 2022 and the bylaw amendment received first and second reading. The amendment will be brought back at a future date for third reading.
2. The purpose of the amendment is to designate Pt. NW-21-74-5-W6 located on the southeast corner of the intersection of TWP RD 744 and RGE RD 54 approximately one mile west of HWY 2 along RGE RD 54 from Agricultural (AG) to Country Residential (CR-5) district to allow for the subdivision of two country residential lots. File PLLUB20200364.
Note: This hearing was held on August 22, 2022 and the bylaw amendment received first and second reading. The amendment will be brought back at a future date for third reading.
3. The purpose of the amendment is to designate Pt. NE-9-72-10-W6 located on the south side of TWP RD 722 west of RGE RD 103 and approximately one mile northwest of the Town of Beaverlodge from Agricultural (AG) to Country Residential (CR-5) district to allow for the boundary adjustment of Lot 1 Plan 9721694 for country residential use. File PLLUB20220282.
Note: This hearing was held on August 22, 2022 and the bylaw amendment was adopted.
4. The purpose of the amendment is to designate Pt. SE-20-71-3-W6 located on the west side of RGE RD 34 south of TWP RD 713A from Country Residential (CR-4) to Country Residential (CR-5) district to allow for the subdivision/boundary adjustment of two country residential lots. File PLLUB20220285.
Note: This hearing was held on August 22, 2022 and the bylaw amendment was adopted.
5. The purpose of the amendment is to designate Pt. SE-16-71-8-W6 located north of TWP RD 712 approximately one quarter mile west of the Town of Wembley from Agricultural (AG) to Country Residential (CR-4) district to allow for the subdivision of one country residential lot. File PLLUB20220233.
Note: This hearing was held on August 22, 2022 and the bylaw amendment was adopted.