Requests for the Reeve and Council
Presentations to Council
Residents may make a presentation to Council. A presentation can be booked by completing the online Council Meeting Delegation Request. Once the request has been reviewed, you will be contacted by Legislative Services to arrange a date and time at an upcoming scheduled meeting.
Group - General Request Group - Funding Request Individual Request
E-mail Legislative Services if you have any questions or call 780-532-9722.
Invitations for Reeve or Council members
Do you have an upcoming event and would like the Reeve or a member of County Council to attend? All bookings for conferences, anniversary celebrations, charitable or cultural events, etc., can be requested by completing the online form.
Invite Reeve or Council member
Due to the number of invitations received please submit your request at least two weeks in advance of your event.
Once the invitation is reviewed, you will receive confirmation if the Reeve or member of Council is able to attend.
For more information email the CAO's Office or call 780-532-9722.
Event Sponsorship
The County is proud to support our community through event sponsorships. Make a request and review application deadlines for Event Sponsorship.
Community Operating and Capital Grants
If you have a request for funding for Operational or Capital Improvements or recreation or cultural organizations and/or facilities, view information about the County's Recreation and Culture Grants.
Letter of Support
If you are a community group or non-profit organization you can request a Letter of Support from the Council for your project or initiative. You can also read the Letter of Support Policy to learn more about the process.
Your request should be submitted for Council’s consideration four (4) weeks in advance of when the letter is required. This will allow Administration time to research, evaluate, and present the request to Council for endorsement in accordance with the Letter of Support Policy.
If the Letter of Support is required prior to the four (4) week timeline, please reach out to legislativeservices@countygp.ab.ca before submitting your request.
Proclamation Request
The County issues proclamations to recognize individuals, events, organizations, and community groups of significance to the County. A proclamation will recognize a particular day, week, or month. You can request a Proclamation from Council for your project or initiative. You can also read the Proclamation Policy to learn more about the process.