If you’re looking for a furry friend, staff at the Bandaged Paws Animal Rescue Association are ready to assist you with a pet adoption.  

Please note that the Grande Prairie Regional Pound will now provide pound services only, effective July 7, 2023. Both organizations continue to operate out of the same facility located at 12220 - 104 Avenue in Grande Prairie following a joint purchase of the building by the City and County of Grande Prairie.  

 The County of Grande Prairie promotes responsible pet ownership to ensure that you and your pet are safe through the Animal Control Bylaw. Learn about the number of animal control services we provide in our community,   

Apply for a dog licence 

If your dog is over the age of six months and resides in the County, you are required to register for a dog licence.   

Call 9-1-1 for a dog attack on a person in progress.   

You can report an animal complaint for:   

  • Dogs running at large
  • Barking dogs
  • Nuisance dogs
  • Aggressive dogs
  • Keeping of too many dogs

Other services available 

The County does not address all animal complaints. Please contact the following services for information on the list below:    

Adopt an animal

If you are interested in adopting an animal visit the Bandaged Paws Animal Rescue Association to learn more.  

Be a responsible pet owner

We encourage you to be a responsible pet owner and follow these best practices to keep our community clean and safe:   

  • Treat your pet responsibly
  • License your pet
  • Pick up after your pet
  • Leash your pet

Grande Prairie Regional Pound

The Pound provides support and services for animals who may not have an identified owner, require health or behavioural assistance or are found astray.  

Commonly asked questions

What are the animal reclaim fees for pound services?

If you lose your animal and want to reclaim it from our Regional Animal Care Facility, the following fees apply:   

  • First reclaim - $50
  • Second reclaim - $100
  • Each subsequent reclaim - $150
  • Daily kennel fee - $25

If you have a question about animal reclaim fees, contact the Regional Animal Care Facility at 780-831-0199.   

City of Grande Prairie animals that are reclaimed may also be subject to a fine. Contact the City of Grande Prairie Enforcement Services to learn more about potential fines with animal control services.   
What are the fees for surrendering my pet to the animal shelter services?
If you wish to surrender your pet or an animal to the animal shelter services, there is a fee of $150. If applicable, there may also be an out-of-the-area fee outlined in our Schedule of Fees.   
What happens to animals in the Regional Animal Pound?
Animals that are put in the Regional Pound will stay for five days while our staff make every attempt to contact their owner. Micro chipped animals and animals with a current licence may be held for up to 10 days. Animals that are not reclaimed after the allotted days become the property of the municipality.    
How do you humanely trap stray or nuisance cats?  

You can get a live cat trap from the Regional Pound by calling 780-830-0199. You will have to pay a $25 deposit for borrowing the live cat trap. If you have humanely trapped a cat, you must keep them safe from harm and notify Regional Enforcement Services or transport the cat to the Regional Animal Pound.   

What are the exemption guidelines for having more than four dogs? 
If you have more than four dogs on less than 10 acres, the County will take the following under consideration:   
  • Distance from neighbours
  • How remote your property is
  • Past animal complaints or concerns
  • Whether they are indoor/outdoor breeds
  • Type of dogs
  • Number of dogs
  • Age of dogs
  • Size of dogs

To complete the exemption guidelines process, you will follow these steps:   

  1. Write a letter to the Chief Administrative Officer requesting an exemption and send it to the Regional Enforcement Services department via fax, email or mail.  
  2. The request will be assigned for investigation and follow-up.  
  3. Applicants may be required to get letters of consent from immediate neighbours.  
  4. Upon approval, a letter of exemption outlining any restrictions or guidelines will be provided.  

Please note that exemptions will not be issued if you live in a high density residential subdivision, hamlet or trailer park.   

Contact information

If you wish to contact the Regional Pound, you can phone 780-830-0199, send an email or a fax 780-532-4745. If you wish to visit in person, you can find the facility located in the Brochu Industrial Park at:   

12220-104 Ave
Grande Prairie AB T8V 8A8

Hours of operation

  • Monday to Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (closed between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.) 
  • Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  
  • Closed for all statutory holidays

Where we provide animal control services

The County provides animal control services at:  

  • County of Grande Prairie
  • Town of Sexsmith
  • Town of Wembley
  • Saddle Hills County

Please note that we do not provide services to the Town of Beaverlodge or Horse Lake First Nations.