Current Status: No Restriction 

Fire Hazard Levels

Depending on the conditions, the County of Grande Prairie uses the following tiered system to temporarily limit activities that may lead to wildfires. Fire advisories, restrictions or bans can reduce human-cause wildfires.

Fire Hazard LevelDescription

Fire Ban

A fire ban prohibits wood campfires on public land, campgrounds, and private land including backyard fire pits. Fire permits will be suspended or cancelled, and no new permits will be issued.
Fire Restriction A fire restriction prohibits the use of wood campfires on public land but does allow wood campfires inside provincial campgrounds and private property. Fire permits may be restricted, suspended, or cancelled and no new fire permits will be issued.
Fire Advisory A fire advisory is issued if the fire danger rating has increased. Fire permits may be restricted. Safe campfires are allowed in campgrounds and backcountry or random camping areas, but this level is a warning they may be restricted if the situation doesn't improve.
No Restriction Normal burning rules apply.
  • Contact your area Fire Guardian for information on permits, safe burning practices, and more. 
  • Learn more about how Fire permits are issued in the County of Grande Prairie.

Provincial Resources 

View all current fire restrictions and bans in place across the province at Subscribe to be notified of alerts in your area.

Visit Alberta Agriculture and Forestry to find more information about campfires, wildfires, burning and protection of our provincial forests.