Flea Beetles
Flea Beetles are found in varying degrees of infestation within the County. The two types found here are the Striped and Crucifer Fleas.
What are the Risks?
These insects can inflict serious damage, often in a short time period if numbers are high. Striped Beetles emerge sooner than the Crucifer and are more active feeders thereby causing greater damage. Damage to canola plants occurs mostly at the early stages of growth when the plants are more vulnerable.
Learn more about Flea Beetle damage
When are They Active?
Flea Beetles are active during cool weather as well as warm and dry weather when they fly to areas throughout the field.
What to Look For
Heavy feeding damage Flea beetles on canola
Late stage damage Striped Flea versus Crucifer Flea
Though canola can withstand a moderate amount of damage from Flea Beetles, insect numbers can sometimes get to thresholds where the damage may be a serious economic problem. You can reduce the impacts of these pests through a combination of preventative strategies:
- Use an Integrated Pest Management program which will favour an increase in natural predators;
- Plant seed with high germination and strong vigour;
- Treat seed with recommended product at label rates;
- Practice good crop rotations by growing cereals or legumes 3 out of 4 years between canola;
- Control volunteer canola in other crops;
- Increase seeding rates to allow for more tolerance to damage;
- Scout fields regularly during spring season; and
- Spray with recommended insecticide at label rates.