Fusarium - Barley
Though Fusarium graminearum is a disease of great concern to wheat producers, it can also be a problem in barley crops. The disease is carried over on residue from previously infected crops and affects yield and quality of grain.
What are the Risks?
The seed produced by the plant harbouring Fusarium graminearum contains a mycotoxin which can be highly toxic when fed to livestock. Six row barley is more susceptible than two row varieties.
What to Look For
Head Infection Infected versus healthy head
Seed infections
The methods of prevention of Fusarium graminearum in barley are similar to those for wheat:
- Test seed source before cleaning any for planting;
- Treat seed with a recommended product at label rates;
- Practice a proper crop rotation to avoid the spread of this disease;
- Use resistant varieties as they become available to the market; and
- Apply fungicides at recommended rates and timing, when required.