Fusarium graminearum is a fungal disease that affects wheat, barley, and oats. Wheat infection is the highest concern in the County.

What are the Risks?

The impacts of Fusarium are found in reduction of yield, shrunken kernels, grade of grain, and rejection of wheat for milling purposes. Fusarium infected wheat contains mycotoxins, which reduces the marketability of the grain and may cause toxicity when fed to livestock.

What is Being Done?

The County is readily monitoring for signs of Fusarium throughout the season and is involved with Alberta Agriculture through an annual survey in addition to the field surveys we already perform.

What to Look For

FHB Wheat

Seed effects

FHB Wheat           FHB Wheat  

Head infections                        Degrees of Head infection


There are many management strategies you can use to prevent the spread of Fusarium graminearum. These include:

  • Plant seed with no detectable level of Fusarium graminearum;
  • Avoid continuous or short rotations with cereal crops;
  • Use resistant varieties when possible;
  • Increase seeding rates;
  • Apply fungicides to provide suppression of fungi; and
  • Before exiting infected fields, thoroughly clean equipment.

Related Links

Fusarium head blight - Best management practices - Alberta

Using Research to fight Fusarium Head Blight of barley and wheat

Manitoba Government Fusarium Head Blight