There are many types of grasshoppers in Alberta, but the three main ones of concern in the County are:
- Migratory;
- Two-Stripe; and
- Clear-Winged (to a lesser degree).
These pests can become a serious issue when drier and warmer summers, combined with milder winters, lead to an increase in populations.
What to Look For
Two-Stripe grasshopper Two-Stripe grasshopper
Migratory grasshopper Migratory grasshopper
Clear-Winged grasshopper Clear-Winged grasshopper
Grasshoppers have become a major concern in many areas in the County. Although they are difficult, and sometimes very costly to control, there are a few strategies that may decrease their impact on crops:
- Practice an Integrated Pest Management approach which will encourage the development of natural predators of grasshoppers;
- Plant crops earlier, if possible, to avoid damage at most susceptible times;
- Use buffer strips of less attractive crops (Oats and Peas) around the edge of fields that are more likely to have an infestation;
- Mow headlands to reduce suitable grasshopper habitat;
- Apply an early application of insecticidal bait to control early stage grasshoppers as they enter the field, the County has a truck mount applicator available for rent to apply the insecticidal bait;
- Scout fields regular to detect early stage grasshopper movement; and
- Apply a registered insecticide at recommended rates early and around the outside borders of fields.
Related Links
Not all Grasshoppers are Pests