Applications for the 2025 Roadside Cleanup will open on February 1, 2025

The roadside cleanup program is an opportunity for local, non-profit organizations to raise funds for their programs by cleaning up the roadsides, ditches, and hamlets across the County each spring.


An online application form will be available on February 1, 2025. The application deadline will be March 31, 2025, and the cleanup itself typically begins in early May. Subscribe to page updates below to be notified of program updates.

 Important Things to Know

What's involved

  • The project involves cleaning litter along both sides of the road within the road rights-of-way of the County of Grande Prairie.
  • Ensure you have the right resources within your group to undertake the project. We recommend a minimum of two people per kilometre. Participants must be nine years of age or older.
  • Ensure you reviewed all the forms and information on this page.


  • Complete the online application form (also known as Registration and Commitment Form) by the deadline: Monday, March 31, 2024, at 4:30 p.m.
  • Groups will be contacted in the beginning of April, letting them know if they have been awarded a cleanup zone.
  • Subscribe to page updates below to be notified once dates are selected.


  • Payment will be either $200 per kilometre or a lump sum amount indicated on each area map.
  • Volunteers have the opportunity to take all the waste collected to a designated bin or nearest landfill facility for an additional $200 (one-time per group). Always ensure your load is covered and secured.

Please note

  • You must let the Transportation & Utilities department know if you are unable to have your zone cleaned in one day.
  • For questions, contact the Transportation & Utilities department at 780-532-7393.

Preparing for and completing your Cleanup

To prepare for and complete your cleanup, you must do the following:

 Cleanup Safety Plan


  • Participants must be a minimum of 9 years of age.
  • Participants must wear a safety vest.
  • Participants must wear gloves and sturdy footwear.
  • Supervisors;
    • Must have safety check lists and safe cleanup procedures with you, or have access to them on a mobile device.
    • Must have a first-aid kit (Type 2 recommended).

The County's Health and Safety Policy (L15) communicates that volunteers performing services for the County are responsible for the following:

  • Complying with the County of Grande Prairie's health and safety systems.
  • Complying with Alberta's Occupational Health and Safety Legislation as it applies to tasks.
  • Informing the County of any incident that arises through the performance of tasks.
  • Take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of themselves and others by cooperating with the County's outlined safety procedures, and refraining from participation in horesplay, violence, or harassment.

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act all volunteers have the right to know about the things that can cause them harm, the right to participate in health and safety activities, and the right to refuse to do unsafe activities or tasks. If you feel that something is unsafe, please notify the County immediately.

Common hazards associated with the Roadside Cleanup include:

  • Exposure to biological/infectious substances
  • Cuts or punctures
  • Unpleasant odours or sights
  • Traffic
  • Slips, trips, and falls
  • Germs/bacteria
  • Bugs/pests
  • UV exposure

Review of the County's safe cleanup procedures prior to your event are intended to reduce incident from exposure to these hazards.

Safe Cleanup Procedures

These procedures provide you with the information you need to instruct your group’s participants to safely and efficiently clean road ditches. Take your time and go over each item thoroughly.

  • It is recommended that there be at least one adult supervisor (18 years of age or older) for every two children (9 to 14 years of age) participating on a work crew.
    (We recommend 1 adult supervisor for every 5 participants 15 – 17 years of age)
  • An adult supervisor should always work between the edge of the road and the children participating in the cleanup.
  • The youngest participants should work closest to the property line.
  • Do not cross the road.
  • The area to be cleaned will be from the edge of the road to the property line on both sides of the road.
  • The standard for cleaning is to pick up anything that is the size of a candy wrapper or larger.
  • Do not touch, disturb, or pick up dead animals.
  • Do not touch, disturb, or pick up any items you are unsure of, like needles, syringes, diapers, sanitary napkins, chemicals or pesticide containers.
  • Clearly identify with a mark or report any dead animals or items that you are unsure of. County crews will take care of the disposal of all hazardous, potentially hazardous materials or carcasses.
  • If not taking waste collected to the nearest designated bin or landfill facility, the full garbage bags are to be tied up and left far enough off the edge of the road so as not to interfere with or be struck by traffic. Notify Transportation and Utilities at 780-532-7393 so the garbage bags can be picked up as soon as possible.
  • Items too large or too heavy to be placed in garbage bags should be left as is and clearly marked to be dealt with by County staff. Take a picture, if you can.
  • Do not burn anything, stay away from deep water and clean your hands before eating.
  • Use of bug spray and sunscreen is recommended.

Shuttle Vehicle Safety Procedures

Another important aspect of the Roadside Cleanup is the safety rules and procedures for the operation of shuttle vehicles and the participants using these vehicles. These rules and procedures are there for the safety of your group members and the motoring public.

  • All shuttle drivers must obey the rules of the road. Drive defensively, in a safe and courteous manner.
  • Never drive against the flow of traffic.
  • Only back up when it is safe to do so.
  • When slowing down and stopping to pick up or drop off participants, the shuttle vehicle should use its four-way flashers.
  • Never park a vehicle over the brow of a hill.
  • Always get in and out of the shuttle vehicle on the side that is furthest away from the travel lanes.
  • Only approach a shuttle vehicle after it has come to a complete stop.
  • Do not try to get in or out of the shuttle vehicle until it has come to a complete stop and the shuttle driver tells you to get in or out.
  • Do not carry more people than the vehicle is designed for.
  • Do not ride in the back of the pick-ups or on the tailgate.
  • Everyone in the vehicle must wear a seat belt, unless travelling in a vehicle not equipped with seat belts. If the number of people in the vehicle exceeds the number of seat belts, all seat belts must be used.
  • Finally, when travelling as a passenger, do not impede or obstruct the driver of the shuttle vehicle.

Special Procedures

Bridge Crossing Procedures
  • Children should cross only under adult supervision.
  • No more than three to cross at a time.
  • Cross on the same side as you were picking up garbage.
  • The adult supervisor should follow the children so that they are always visible to him/her.
  • Walk briskly. Don’t dawdle or run.
  • When a vehicle approaches on your side of the road, stop walking and face the road with your back to the bridge.
  • Once the vehicle has passed, resume walking.

Railway Tracks Crossing Procedure

  • Children should cross only under adult supervision.
  • Never stand closer than 5 meters from the tracks when waiting to cross.
  • Stop, look and listen. When the tracks are clear, cross briskly.
  • Cross in a group.
  • Never stand by the tracks waving to the engineer. The colour of the safety vests indicates danger and the engineer may try to stop the train.
  • Never allow participants to place any objects on the tracks.


Briefly review the major points of the training session touching on:

  • The safety check lists
  • Safe cleanup procedures
  • Shuttle vehicle safety procedures
  • Bridge crossing procedure
  • Railway tracks crossing procedure

Upcoming Cleanups

Follow us on Social Media and check the interactive map below for details on Roadside Cleanup areas. 

2025 Cleanup Zone Maps

You can learn about the cleanup zones by either using the interactive map or downloading and printing the maps. For the interactive map, click the coloured sections of road for cleanup locations and dates.

 2025 Roadside Cleanup Printable/Downloadable Maps

Printable and downloadable zone maps can be found in the gallery below.